Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Criminal Justice student Julia Cohen has been receiving stalker type notes that appeared to be similar to notes victims of unsolved murders in Barrier Shoals received. Unluckily for Julia, the person responsible for the crimes is watching her and trying to make sure she doesn't make contact with Detective Holden Whitlow.

Holden has hit a dead end when trying to solve the three unresolved murder, which happened shortly after he joined the force. While his partner, tells him to let it go, Holden continues to work it. But when another attack happens, he's soon pulled into the investigation on a much more personal level. Julia Cohen was the summer fling that changed his life and then got away.

For a short read (104 pages) a lot happens and it happens fast. Julia's attack, we soon learn, could also be linked to other murders or attacks that have taken place over the past couple of years up and down the coast around Barrier Shoals. With more digging, Holden finds himself looking closer to home for the culprit and hoping that he can save Julia.

At the forefront of the story is the relationship between Julia and Holden. They had a hot two week together before Julia left without a word to Holden. That two weeks changed everything in both their lives. Holden always wondered why she left and Julia could never tell him the truth for fear of the consequences. When the truth comes out, it's explosive, but also proves to both of them that they can't let go of each other.

This was an exciting romantic suspense story that will keep you on your toes...not only wondering if Holden and Julia will work out their issues but also if you have think is responsible could really be the killer after all.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 April, 2012: Reviewed