Literally Murder by Ali Brandon

Literally Murder (Black Cat Bookshop Mystery, #4)

by Ali Brandon

From her Brooklyn bookstore, Darla Pettistone not only sells mysteries, but solves them, aided by her big-boned black cat, Hamlet—who has suddenly pounced into the spotlight after unleashing his fists of furry…  
After a video of Darla and Hamlet performing at a martial arts tournament goes viral, the Florida chapter of the Feline Society of America invites the “Karate Kitty” to be the guest of honor at their championship cat show in Fort Lauderdale.
Upon arrival, Darla discovers that not everyone in the Sunshine State has a sunny disposition. Animal rights activists are on the march,...Read more

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

I should love this series: cats and bookshops. It's written fairly well too. But I don't; it's just not doing anything for me and after 4 books I'm just going to accept that and move on.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2015: Reviewed