Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

There were many moments in this book where I enjoyed myself as I became engrossed in the love story between Hope and Chance. But there were more times when I was left scratching my head.

Hope and Chance meet when both of their lives were changing. Hope had just graduated from high school and was adjusting to her father moving back to their small town with his new girlfriend. Chance was adjusting to losing everything he held dear in his life and having to start over. When they accidentally meet when Hope is exploring her father's new home, neither one of them were prepared for how their lives where going to change.

Hope and Chance had a lot they were dealing with separately, but when they met each other they couldn't deny the chemistry and pull they had. And there were a lot of times when they made a lot of sense together. But there were moments when their ages really showed and it made me wonder if they really had a healthy relationship or if they were using each other as crutches to get through this point in their lives. I didn't like the lying the two of them did, along with Chance's sister about their relationship. Then there was Hope's father. He sweeps her assault under the rug and sends Chance away so he doesn't blow a business deal because of it and then months later when he discovers the lies that had been told to him, he lets everyone off the hook. That didn't seem realistic and I had issues with that.

I'm sure other readers will enjoy this ya/new adult romance, but it was one the fell a bit short for me. I couldn't connect with the characters enough to believe their relationship and the so called adults ignored too much or helped cover it up to often that made me even want to believe it.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 November, 2014: Reviewed