Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

If you thought Gen's story was wild, hang onto your hat and enjoy the bumpy road her twin sis, Lexie, rides in Done with Love.

Lexie has been trying to please everyone while planning her society wedding. Comfortable in her middle class upbringing, Lexie is overwhelmed by the trappings of the upper crust. She knows her fiancé's family disapproves, but is shocked beyond belief when her future mother-in-law presents her with a contract moments before her wedding. Mommy Dearest wants Lexie to sign the dotted line saying she will annul her marriage after her father-in-law has won his senate race and receive a hefty sum in return. The woman who thought she was marrying for love is shocked to see her almost hubby has already signed. Lexie is threatened with ruin not only for herself but her family as well if she doesn't sign. She signs against her better judgement, but ends up running out during the ceremony.

Confused and alone, Lexie decides to take her honeymoon by herself. When her ex-boyfriend and cousin to her best friend, Leo, shows up to keep an eye on her, her limits are tested. The man who was once all she ever wanted is sitting in front of her on a silver platter. In no shape for any sort of commitment, Lexie and Leo embark on a friends with benefits arrangement.

Unfortunately, the almost monster-in-law follows through with her threats and Lexie is in danger of losing her business.

The roller coaster ride takes off full speed, no stop. The thrill of each up and down had me either squealing in delight or sniffling back the tears.

I never imagined Lexie's wedding would go down like it did. I loved the twist Roy has created with the evil mother-in-law. I mean, who would even think of doing something like that to their own child. Jeremy seemed to love Lexie, but he was so secure under his mother's thumb that he couldn't stand up for the woman he loved.

Done with Love is sweet, sexy comedic brilliance with a crazed super villain to boot. The laughs and tears are well worth it. I can't wait to read more from Niecey Roy!

Thanks to Niecey Roy and Sparkle Book Tours for providing me with a copy of Done with Love in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2014: Reviewed