Entangled by Cat Clarke


by Cat Clarke

Real, compulsive and intense: Cat Clarke is the queen of emotional suspense.
For fans of Paula Hawkins, Gillian Flynn, Megan Abbott and Jandy Nelson.

Seventeen-year-old Grace wakes up in a white room, with table, pens and paper - and no clue how she got there.
As Grace starts writing, pouring her tangled life onto the page, she is forced to remember everything she's tried to forget: falling hopelessly in love with Nat, and the unravelling of her friendship with her best mate Sal. But there's something missing. As hard as she's trying to remember, is there something she just can't see?

Grace must face the most important question of all.

Why is she here?

A compulsive thriller of dangerous secrets, intense friendships and electrifying attraction.

Reviewed by celinenyx on

4 of 5 stars

Wow. It's been ages since I've read a book that packs such an emotional punch. Entangled isn't just a jab in the gut, it's a full-frontal assault that just keeps on going.

The worst about it, I think, is that the book is often quite humorous and sarcastic in tone. At the same time, troubles are boiling away below the surface. Grace wakes up and finds herself in a white room with nothing but a bed, a table, and writing materials. As she continues to write what happened leading up to her captivity, she slowly uncovers thoughts, feelings, happenings that she would rather forget.

To be very honest, I did not enjoy Entangled. Halfway through I decided to read something else, because it was just too heavy for me. I could not digest all that it describes, and I needed a break. It is a testament to Ms Clarke that I did pick it up again and finished it. I'm not entirely glad that I did. Unlike The Bell Jar, an equally bleak book, Entangled does not offer any kind of comfort, not even of the coldest sort.

Could've known, with this kind of opening sentence.

I met Ethan on the night I was planning to kill myself.

* Trigger warnings: suicide, graphic self-harm

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 24 April, 2017: Reviewed