Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Sacrifice, is and OMG book. It has love found, love lost, many twists and turns. It's phenomenal.
I had at first thought this was a trilogy, but I was deluded and probably misread something or something. Because this is NOT a trilogy, since the end of Sacrifice, leaves you with a MASSIVE and I mean Massive cliffhanger.

Sacrifice picks up, not long after Embrace left off. Celeste and Caleb are madly in love, Gabe and Alaina are planning their wedding. Kendall is in heaven, in planning her brother's wedding.

Celeste is still perturbed about having a Garden Gnome as her guide, but she manages. Demon activity is picking up. And the Countess is at it again, only this time it seems like she's got Celeste right where she wants her. Most of the book is dealing with Celeste feeling lost and alone. At the Bridal shop an attack happens and someone close to her, goes oddly wacky. In the meantime, she's trying to save the world, keep her family protected, and make sure that Gabe and Alaina get their happily ever after.

I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book in this series, because it has quickly shaped into one of my most favorite series of all time. I'm dying here already, when is the next book coming out?

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2013: Reviewed