Angels' Blood by Nalini Singh

Angels' Blood (The Guild Hunter, #1)

by Nalini Singh


Nalini Singh introduces readers to a world of beauty and bloodlust, where angels hold sway over vampires.

Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux is hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael. But this time, it’s not a wayward vamp she has to track. It’s an archangel gone bad.

The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other—and pull her to the razor’s edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesn’t destroy her, succumbing to Raphael’s seductive touch just may. For when archangels play, mortals break.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I finally read this book, I've heard so many great things about it, and well since I love Nalini Singh, I was like yeah I'll read it. I'm glad I did because it was extremely good, I love the details she puts into the angels wings, it's sad that, that's what I think of the most, is their wings lol. No, really the entirety of the book was good, there wasn't a dull moment in it. I agree with the other ladies who have commented about Raphael.... "Ahhh Raphael" total yummy in the body of an angel. Makes me wonder where my Raphael is, lol. There was a graphic or a picture or a quite I saw a while ago that said, that ever woman should have one night with a nab from a book. I whole heartedly agree with this statement and wish it could happen. But since it can't or it's rare I do enjoy them while I read of them in my precious books. Thank you Nalini for your continuous giving of the wonderful men in your books. Oh how delicious they are. :)

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  • Started reading
  • 25 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 September, 2012: Reviewed