Hellblazer by Jamie Delano


by Jamie Delano

Written by Jamie Delano; Art by John Ridgway and Alfredo Alcala John Constantine is an unconcerned, somewhat amoral occultist with a British working-class background. He's a hero, of sorts, who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery, and genuine magical skill. The ORIGINAL SINS collection is a loosely connected series of tales of John's early years where Constantine was at his best and at his worst, all at the same time.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

The only thing I can really say to sum up my thoughts on this third collected Hellblazer volume is, WTF was that? Volume 1, [b:Original Sins|133017|Hellblazer Original Sins|Jamie Delano|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1172015794s/133017.jpg|128139], was really great. Volume 2, [b:The Devil You Know|320814|Hellblazer The Devil You Know|Jamie Delano|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1194196970s/320814.jpg|311550], finished up Original Sins' story line very well, but then got wobbly. That wobbliness continues for the next 9 issues here, and my mind is pretty much blown at how just ridiculous this was. It is overwritten, overwrought, and includes lines like, "Now it's time for FEMALENESS." The ending involves a threesome, after which one of the women immediately lays an egg (the other woman catches the egg, makes a sexyface and says, "Yes, oh yes"), and Constantine wants to watch the egg hatch because, as he says, "It's my egg, too."

Well, ALRIGHTY then. Okay. You go do that, Constantine. I'll just quickly make my way through the final two volumes of Jamie Delano's run and hope that he reverts to the excellence of Original Sins, because I'm stubborn and won't skip ahead to where Garth Ennis takes over.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2010: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2010: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 14 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2010: Reviewed