Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I did not read the first book in this series, and I would strongly recommend that anyone purchasing this book read book 1 in the series. I was completely lost during the first half of this book. I had to go back several times to try to determine who the characters were and their relationships to each other. The book read as if it was a historical romance initially then I would read elements of the story that included instant messaging and internet use. Again, this is probably due to the fact that I did not read the first novel so I may have missed the contextual setup in the previous book.

The book had adventure, love, romance, a sexy hero, and a strong fearless heroine. There were other supporting characters that were equally enjoyable. The heroine refuses to believe that the love of her life is dead, and she defies all to find him and bring him back to safety. There were several twists to the plot line and each one kept me guessing. It was an enjoyable read.

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  • 13 February, 2013: Reviewed