Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Trouble catnapped!

Trouble in Tallahassee by Claire Matturro is a delightful mystery, with this fantastic legal type of vibe. I loved it. Trouble is stolen from Tammy Lynn’s yard and taken to Tallahassee were he finds….trouble, of course.

Abigail Coleridge ~ Abby

Our female lead is Abby. Abby is an associate attorney at a local law firm in Tallahassee. Trouble finds Abby and her friend/co-worker Layla at Abby’s home. Abby immediately wants to take care of Trouble, and locate his owners. However, before she can do that she has work to do and a house guest to contend with. Having Layla staying at her home has completely disrupted her schedule and life.

Abby is a great character, and the main things that I liked about her are: her compassionate nature, down earth attitude, and the fact that she had the will power to change her looks into what she wanted.

The biggest dislike I had was that she jumped to conclusions about Victor continually throughout the book.

Victor Rutledge

Our male lead is Victor Rutledge, former naval police and a current law school student. He is best friends with Layla. Victor had a terrible divorce and is still trying to deal with that fallout.

What I liked about Victor is his integrity, intelligence; he is a good investigator, loyalty, and his protective nature for his friends. I also liked that he doesn’t sit around waiting for the police to find the offender; he is out there looking too. And he was terrific with Trouble.

What I disliked was that his ex-wife did a real number on him and he projects that on the women currently in his life.


Trouble was not about to allow the moron who catnapped him to keep him. He was much smarter than that guy. Trouble does have quite the attitude at times in this book. He does seem to be communicating better with humans. Luckily, Trouble showed up at the perfect time to help Abby and Layla.  Trouble so crafty, he is even able to escape a lock police car.

To my relief, I see Victor trotting down the sidewalk, heading toward the police car. Okay, this is going to be fun. With a quick leap and a press of the right switch, I turn on the siren. Victor spins around to stare at the vehicle—along with several others. I jump up on the top of the headrest, press my face against the window, and scratch the glass.


The mystery is fabulously written; there is a touch of thrill that kept me turning the pages. I have to admit that I fell for a red herring or two. I didn’t figure it out until the sleuths spelled it out with Trouble leading the way. However, the climax was superb, and the ending was wonderfully filled with happiness.

5 Stars for Trouble in Tallahassee by Claire Matturro

My rating Trouble in Tallahassee by Claire Matturro is five stars. Trouble in Tallahassee is the perfect combination of mystery, love, lies, action, and Trouble. Ms. Matturro did a magnificent job.

I adore this series more with each book that I read. If you haven’t read this series, you should give it a shot. Seriously, this black cat detective is one smart feline. I highly recommend it. I can’t wait to read the next book Trouble in Summer Valley by Susan Y Tanner.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Trouble in Tallahassee by Claire Matturro.

Anyways, until next time, enjoy this review brought to you by,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 11 March, 2019: Reviewed