Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I do love a Kim Karr book and SEXY JERK does not disappoint!

Nick and Tess are forced to spent two weeks together babysitting their godson while his parents take their much-needed honeymoon. Tess may think Nick is nothing more than a sexy playboy jerk, she discovers all the things she thought about his are not exactly true. And that Nick just may be the person who helps her become the person she was meant to be.

I liked Nick and Tess together. Even when Tess was at her nastiness, Nick was there to charm her into realizing what she was doing. He liked her sassiness but called her out when she was being bitchy. Tess turned the tables on Nick making it hard (sometimes) for him to use his charm to get what he wants. These two worked together. It may have taken a little boy to help bridge the gap between them, but they figured it out pretty quickly.

While most of the story was centered around the relationship with Tess and Nick, there were some very interesting side characters and secondary storylines. I'm completely intrigued by Jace, one of Nick's friends, and need to know more about him. There is an interesting dynamic there and I'm we get to jump more into his story.

The only thing I wish we had more of in this book was the Bigelow storyline. It was secondary to the romance, but I felt like that was rushed through at the end of the book. I wanted a little bit more details and not just a quick blurb in the epilogue. Given what the man was doing and how that affected both Tess and Nick, I wanted just a bit more to feel he really did get what he deserved.

SEXY JERK was another great read by Kim Karr. Nick and Tess are hard to resist and this fast-paced read was simply hard to put down.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2017: Reviewed