Fire Mage by John Forrester

Fire Mage (Blacklight Chronicles, #1)

by John Forrester

For centuries, mages perfected magic at the Order of the Dawn. Mastery over fire, wind, and storm. They live in the last free city in a world plagued by dark sorcerers.

Talis Storm and friend Mara discover a terrible secret. The Jiserian Empire has targeted their city for attack. An army of undead soldiers. Flying necromancers. None have ever survived.

When a surprise aerial invasion hits the Order’s temple, Talis casts fire magic for the first time. But his spell is wild and does more harm than good. Sorcerers try to capture Talis and Mara. They flee into the temple crypts. Awoken from an ancient rest, a fallen champion slays the sorcerers and gives Talis a legendary map, leading them on a quest to discover the lost temple of the sun.

To save his city, Talis must discover the power of magic locked away inside the ancient temple. And become a true fire mage.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

3 of 5 stars

Lots of action and adventure in this story! Due to the shortness of it, I did feel the story moved along in a bit of a rush. I would have liked it if there was a bit more time to digest the story as you jump from one fantastic battle scene to the next without a breath in between. I like the concept of the story of a young man on a quest to save his people. I am intrigued to find out what happens once they reach their destination and if the young man actually is able to master his fire magic.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2013: Reviewed