Last Days of the Condor by James Grady

Last Days of the Condor

by James Grady

Look in the mirror. You're nobody. You know pursuing the truth will get you killed. But you refuse to just fade away.

You've been designated an enemy of the largest secret national security apparatus in America's history. All assassins' guns are aimed at you. And you run for your life, branded with the code name you made iconic: Condor.

Last Days of the Condor is a breakneck, ticking-clock saga of America on the edge of a startling spy world revolution. Set in the savage streets and Kafkaesque corridors of Washington DC, Last Days of the Condor is shot through with sex and suspense, secret agent tradecraft and full-speed action.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 out of 5 rating.

I'll start by saying that I haven't read the other books in the series. Maybe my rating might of changed if I had read the other books, who knows. From what I see, the first few books were written in the 70's.

I did like the characters and the book was an easy read. The Author did provide a few snippets of the past books to provide some background. The book ended off good and I would guess that it's the last or end of the series.

I won this book from goodreads first reads for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 February, 2015: Reviewed