Reviewed by ammaarah on

4 of 5 stars

"Madly is the way I love you. Forever is how long it will be." (Kayden Walker)

Realistic characters, believable character development, an adorable romance and an infinite amount of feels.

All My Heart is a continuation of a story that I thought I didn't need, until I read it. This book explores how Isabelle and Kayden have progressed as individuals and as a couple. While the last book largely dealt with Kayden protecting and helping Isabelle to become the person that she is, in All My Heart the roles are reversed and it's Isabelle that seems to be the strong one as she helps Kayden deal with the collision of his past and present.

Isabelle is such a strong character. She knows who she is and what she wants to be and while she deals with the struggles that come with being autistic, she has grown so much from the insecure girl that she was in Count On Me to the confident woman that she is in All My Heart. She takes risks, adapts as much as she can to the world around her and is so brave. Isabelle's character development is extremly heartwarming.

Kayden, on the other hand, has a ton of issues to deal with in All My Heart. Kayden isn't used to experiencing the love that he has with Isabelle and because of this he makes mountains of mistakes, some which are very serious. However, I always knew where he was coming from and could understand his point of view. I felt so much of sympathy towards his self-loathing and guilt.

Kayden and Isabelle are such an adorable couple and whenever they are together and being romantic, I can't help but smile. I love that Kayden and Isabelle cut through all the nonsense that I usually see in fictional relationships and actually communicate with each other. Apart, Kayden and Isabelle are amazing characters, but together they are an unstoppable force. Their relationship isn't a bed of roses and they do have a lot of issues that they have sort out, but I love how well they complement and support each other through it all.

It was also cool to see many familiar faces and many new faces. After reading All My Heart my favourite character is Dillon. In All My Heart he is the hilarious, asshole best friend to Kayden. I can't believe that I've fallen in love with one of the biggest douchebags in bookish history and I can't wait to read Hear and Now so I can have more Dillon in my life.

The only issue that I have with All My Heart is the typos and grammatical errors.
"I energy you, Kayden Walker." (Isabelle Reagan)

I honestly don't have much to say about this book except that I "ENERGY" it. :)

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  • Started reading
  • 17 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 December, 2016: Reviewed