Even the Score by Beth Ehemann

Even the Score

by Beth Ehemann

Single dad Andy Shaw loves his job as a sports agent, with one exception: it doesn’t leave him much time for his kids. No parent likes being sidelined, so Andy decides to hire someone to share the workload. But when one of the hottest agents in the industry applies, Andy knows that this deal is definitely trouble.

Danicka Douglas works her butt off, but being an attractive woman in a testosterone-heavy industry isn’t exactly a cakewalk. She guards her professional reputation fiercely, which means no crushing on her gorgeous boss. But the more they ignore that sexy little spark, the more it sizzles…

Just when it looks like romance might be in the game plan, Dani is threatened by a stalker with dark intentions. To keep her safe, Andy must cross the line between professional and very personal…because this time, he’s playing for keeps.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed the Cranberry Inn books, and was pretty excited to see that Ehemann wrote several companion books for the series. The warmth and humor that I loved in the those books continues in Even the Score.

Once again, Ehemann gives us a single parent, in this case a single dad, who is trying to balance work and family. In trying to accomplish this, he has had to eschew his romantic life, but has no regrets, as he loves his kids so much. In an attempt to spend more time with his children, he seeks a business partner, and fate brings Dani into his life.

I like it under your wing. Go ahead, pull me in.

Dani had such an interesting background, which explained a lot about her. She was very independent, and depended solely on herself, but she grew to realize that it was ok to let people in.
I'd been pretty much alone my whole life, but after spending some time with Andy's family, I definitely felt a different pull inside of me. The pull for something more.

Ehemann also gave us a great book boyfriend. Andy was quite swoon worthy. He was protective, but he understood Dani's self reliant nature, and knew when to pull back. He was also a dedicated father, who gave himself to his kids wholeheartedly. He built a beautiful home, and I thought Dani rounded out the household nicely. The interactions between Andy and Dani, Andy and the kids, Dani and the kids were all quite wonderful. I laughed, I awww-ed, I swooned.
Because whether or not you're ready to admit it, you're my girl.

Those who know me, know I LOVE companion books, because you get to catch up with old friends. I was pretty excited to see what was going on with Casey, Brody, Viper, and the girls, and I look forward to more from this group.

This book was a lot of fun, and had a lot of heart. I sort of liked that the drama was external rather than internal. We had a little mystery, and I have to say, Ehemann really surprised me with the villain. Great sweet, sexy, suspenseful read.

I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2016: Reviewed