Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

WHAT A CLIFF-HANGER! That ending left me so speechless it's not even funny. T. L. Coulter has succeeded once again in delivering a great story with an amazing ending.

The story continues with Rek, Astrid and Gabe in search of Kailee and Audric after finding out they are very much alive. Along the way, a few other new characters are introduced and have joined in on this journey. What they didn't anticipate was the turn of events with the prophecy and how it changes everything, even if not recognized by wizard law. In order to complete this prophecy, sacrifices need to be made: a key, an oracle and a warrior. We already know who the key is and the oracle is introduced in this book, but the warrior? Everyone knows who is the warrior and that is why things will escalate and blow a gasket on the third book.

I love the new characters because each of them play a big role throughout the story and it wouldn't have been the same without them. I love Gabe and Astrid. From this series, I believe they have become my true favorite pair. How can it not? Gabe is the most hilarious character of all of them.

Can I now talk about that cliff-hanger? Awesome! So the cliff-hanger happens on the last two pages, the last two paragraphs.....yes, very heartbreaking and I cannot wait until I get The Warrior. I guess I suspected something but then I completely forgot about it and when I would remember, I would deem myself crazy and once again, forget about it. Still, it came as such a huge shock when reading it that I couldn't deal. I was literally screaming "what?!" for a few minutes.

Great story and great continuation of this series. THE WARRIOR was published yesterday on Amazon Kindle and will soon be available in hardbacks :) Don't forget to buy the book! You will love it!


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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2014: Reviewed