Those Who Prey by Jennifer Moffett

Those Who Prey

by Jennifer Moffett

Sadie meets The Girls in this riveting debut psychological thriller about a lonely college freshman seduced into joining a cult—and her desperate attempt to escape before it’s too late.

College life isn’t what Emily expected.

She expected to spend freshman year strolling through the ivy-covered campus with new friends, finally feeling like she belonged. Instead, she walks the campus alone, still not having found her place or her people so far away from home.

But then the Kingdom finds her.

The Kingdom, an exclusive on-campus group, offers everything Emily expected out of college and more: acceptance, friends, a potential boyfriend, and a chance to spend the summer on a mission trip to Italy. But the trip is not what she thought it would be. Emily and the others are stripped of their passports and money. They’re cut off from their families back home. The Kingdom’s practices become increasingly manipulative and dangerous…

And someone ends up dead.

Reviewed by Julie @ Struck by Stories on

4 of 5 stars

What I Liked:

This is college YA done right. It’s really quite sad that in this year of 2020, we still are experiencing a shortage of crossover YA books. 18-21 should, by all intents and purposes, still be considered young adult, because you’re not fully adulting yet. Those Who Prey had a typical-YA thriller feel to it, while also being set during freshman year, which I appreciated so darn much.
The religious cult luring is scarily convincing. Sometimes, I have a difficult time putting myself in the character’s shoes and thinking that I couldn’t possibly fall into the traps that they did. However, it quite frankly terrified me how realistic a situation like this could be. It almost makes me feel fortunate that I’m doing online college!

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  • 16 November, 2020: Reviewed