Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars

Jack is attempting to resurrect his career following the scandal with Nate's fiancee. He might have a shot at a position with the Watchmen IF he can win Nate's forgiveness. Upon his arrival in Inspiration, he bumps heads with Lola, a hard as nails single mom and also close friend of Nate's. When circumstances push them together, they try to fight a growing attraction and maybe even perhaps falling in love.

It was good to be back in Inspiration! This gang is always so much fun to be around, and they continued to make me smile in Called Out. I was onboard immediately with this hero and heroine for the following reasons:

Jack betrayed his best friend, and even if the Nate ended up better off in the end, it was still a betrayal that cut to the bone. This was Jack's chance for redemption, and also a chance for us to get to know more about him. Doyle did a great job illustrating a portrait of this broken man. Jack believed he could not erase and overcome the wounds inflicted by his parents. He believed all the negative things they said to him and about him, and believing these things kept him having meaningful relationships. He never felt like he was good enough for someone to love, and it really broke my heart.

Thank goodness for Lola. She was an Amy wife and then an Army widow, so she was tough, but after three years alone and caring for her four children, she was ready for some companionship. She never saw it coming in the form of Jack, but he wormed his way into her heart. Lola was bursting with love for all those special people in her life. She reminded Jack that he was NOT his parents, and he could and should have it all. Jack wasn't the only one carrying around a heaping load of guilt. Lola felt sort of responsible for her husband's death, and also struggled with wanting to move on. Watching her wrestle with these feelings was tough, and I was glad Jack and her friends were there to help her deal with them. I also loved that Doyle made Lola a little older (36 years old). When you see a woman pushing forty with four kids in tow catching the eye of a hard-bodied MLB player, well, that just gives you hope. =)

This story was packed with so many sweet and tender moments, but also had a lot of chaotic moments. I loved being in the middle of it all, and thought Doyle used the kids in the best way possible to sweeten the story.

It's a story of love, of healing, of atonement and redemption. It's a story of friendship and family. It made me laugh, tear up, and swoon, and most of all, I really enjoyed it. I am absolutely looking forward to more stories from Inspiration.


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  • Started reading
  • 26 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 May, 2017: Reviewed