The Goddess Queen by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Queen (Goddess Test, #2.6) (A Goddess Series short story, #4)

by Aimée Carter

'In all the years I'd existed, I'd never expected to be free.'

The powerful Greek gods live in a world torn apart by jealousy and love, loss and longing. Could Goddess Queen Calliope finally be the one to achieve peace between the gods and set them free?

'Our favourite author of the year,' - Teen Now. 

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

The Goddess Queen was a great novella focused on Hera at the start up of the council. The original six had just won the war against the Titans and decided to be better rulers than their creators. Hera wanted to be the queen, since she was the one who tipped the war in their favor, but she settles for an equal rule with her siblings. From there, things just go downhill for her and it's all too easy to see why she finally snapped in Goddess Interrupted. All Hera wants is to be recognized for her talents, have a voice, and marry Hades. However, Zeus, the sweet talker that he is convinces her that he's a changed man and that she can rule the Skies as his queen. Pretty words from a liar.

I was already familiar with the basics of this myth. Zeus is a horrible adulterer, but I did love the author's twist on all of it in The Goddess Queen. I think her take made the tale more fresh and relatable, even if it did have a bit more of a Jerry Springer vibe. I felt awful for Hera as all of her efforts failed. It's no wonder that she's so set on destroying the council in the main series. It made me view the second book in a new light, since I originally found the plot complete ridiculous. Now it makes more sense to me, but I still think it could have been done in a less over-the-top way. I highly recommend this novella for fans of the series, as well as those who are on the fence about it like I am.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 21 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 June, 2014: Reviewed