Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

Food For A Hungry Ghost was a fantastic book. Gala the main character was happy until her family moved. Now she is lonely,miserable and doesn’t know anyone. That is until she befriends Trista who happens to be a ghost.
Trista seemed to manage to put Gala on a guilt trip if she refused to do anything so Gala would give in.

The book was quick, only 75 pages, it was captivating, it kept me gripped. With humour which made me laugh, romance and horror but not too horrific so definitely suitable to the young adult audience. I would say this would be a great book for tween’s but also adults will enjoy it too.

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  • 3 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 March, 2013: Reviewed