Glimmerglass by Jenna Black

Glimmerglass (Faeriewalker, #1)

by Jenna Black

Dana Hathaway doesn't know it yet, but she's in big trouble. When her mother, an alcoholic, shows up at her voice recital drunk, Dana decides she's had it with playing the role of her mother's keeper, so she packs her bags and travels to see her mysterious father in Avalon: the only place on Earth where the regular, everyday world and the magical world of Faerie intersect. Dana is a Faeriewalker, a rare individual who can travel between both worlds. She has always known that her father is a big-deal Fae, but what she doesn't realize is that she could be the key to his rise in power. When she arrives in Avalon, Dana finds herself a pawn in the game of magical politics. Avalon is a place where both magic and technology work, and humans and Fae coexist in something resembling peace. How can she change the winds of fate, find a boyfriend, and make new friends when she's not sure who, if anyone, can be trusted?

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

4 of 5 stars

I really liked this book the concept of a faerie walker, the book being set in avalon, the political battle between the unseelie and seelie courts. I was caught up in the emotion of dana fighting to save her mother who has clearly taken the wrong path and her trying to connect with a father she barely knows. Then throw in the fact that she a major player in this faerie war and you got me hooked. I really would like to see dana discover more of her "magic" but i am interested enough to see where the story goes in shadowspell.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2014: Reviewed