Let Them Call it Jazz and Other Stories by Jean Rhys

Let Them Call it Jazz and Other Stories (Penguin 60s S.) (Bloomsbury Classic)

by Jean Rhys

A collection of short stories by Jean Rhys, featuring pre-war London, glimpses of racial tension and snatches of jazz. In the anthology, Rhys also travels to a festive Vienna in full regalia and to a backstage party in a northern English music-hall.

Reviewed by brokentune on

4 of 5 stars

I found this little gem on Alibris whilst looking for a copy of [b:Wide Sargasso Sea|44597|Wide Sargasso Sea|Jean Rhys|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327870846s/44597.jpg|142647]. It's a quick read as the collection only contains the short stories: Let Them Call It Jazz, Outside the Machine, and The Insect World.

This is my first venture into the works of Jean Rhys and I am utterly blown away. I didn't know what to expect but she masterfully draws you into the lives of the three protagonists and makes you feel the anxieties, paralysis and despair of the characters.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2013: Reviewed