Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Ex-Wives of Dracula is like a YA F/F retelling of Dracula combined with Jennifer's Body. Which basically means it's a lot of fun! Mindy has always lived next door to Lucia, and they use to be friends until Lucia got super hot. But one day after delivering a pizza to her gorgeous neighbor, Mindy finds herself friends with Lucia again, and maybe even more than friends. Until one night at a party something attacks the girls and leaves Lucia changed and Mindy more confused than ever.

I really enjoyed Ex-Wives of Dracula once it got going. I did find the beginning to be a bit slow and drawn out. At one point I was actually questioning if I was reading the right book because there was nothing paranormal going on! It's just a lot of Mindy and Lucia hanging out, Mindy pining after Lucia, and Lucia being inappropriate and mildly offensive. However, once the attack happens, that's when it started channeling Jennifer's Body and was nonstop hijinks.

The only thing that kept me from fulling getting into Ex-Wives of Dracula was the humor. It's quite over-the-top in places and felt like the author was trying too hard to slip in jokes at regular intervals. I was enjoying it much more when it wasn't super funny. Also, in some places I can tell that it was a joke and definitely not meant to be taken seriously, but I still found myself cringing and thinking that it wasn't going to go over well with some readers. It's just not my kind of humor.

I still recommend Ex-Wives of Dracula though! Like I said, it's super fun! I loved the idea of a vampire going after bad pizza delivery tippers! And if you're looking for YA F/F where sex happens on the page, this is it! There is no fade to black, and it actually gets pretty explicit. Not Erotica, pages long scenes, but definitely enough that you have no question about what they're getting up (or down) to! There's also a happy ending.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 April, 2016: Reviewed