Scarred by Willow Winters

Scarred (Sins and Secrets Series of Duets, #4)

by Willow Winters

She made me a better man, but I still wasn’t good enough to keep her.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, with sleeve tattoos, ripped muscle and a cold-hearted stare, I am who I am. The bad boy she knew to stay away from.

I knew we were never supposed to last. But the way her lips tasted, the way her curves felt under my hands… I couldn’t let go. I did everything I could to keep her.

I put on a ring on her finger and straightened out my life. All for her.

I should’ve known better.

One mistake tore us apart and I don’t know what I can do to salvage what we once had.

I knew it wasn’t supposed to last, but if I could make her stay with me once... I can do it again.

Watch me. I love my sweetheart; I’m not losing her again.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


YESH...this one was as exhausting as the first book and I honestly am not sure how I feel about it. I read both books back to back like a mad woman, so I guess that means I did like them. *lol* The two main characters though...ugh. They both annoyed me to no end, and I again spent the majority of the book wanting to smack them upside their heads.

With that said, this one had the same excellent writing. The pace moved along quite quickly. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages (but I did figure out the twist early on.) Again as with this first book, it wasn't heavy on the sex, but I didn't miss it. The same secondary characters pop up in this one (thankfully the friend were less annoying) along with Mason (the hero from the first duet). We again have some OW/OM drama. Unfortunately, one of the things or rather the "who" that turned me off the hero in book one plays a significant role in this one which served to keep reminding me of his past indiscretions, and that is partially to blame for why I just never warmed up to Evan. On the other hand, I welcomed the OM drama, and I am going to whisper this quietly...I kind of wish Kat had dumped Evan for good and moved on with Jake. Ya, sorry, but after all the lies Evan told and continued to tell Kat, she deserved to move on with someone better.

The major miss for me in this duet was Evan himself. The author never redeemed him in my eyes. He cheated (when they were dating) and kept it quiet for years. He lied continually. He put himself in bad situations over and over again. He made bad decisions over and over again. He just came across weak to me. Kat, on the other hand, I did like slightly more, but she kept taking Evan back way too easily and allowing him to treat her like crap over and over again. Honestly, the only way I could be convinced these two would make it for the long haul was if the author had written that they were both in counseling separately and together...serious counseling!

So yea, like I said the author did pull me into both books and I couldn't put them down and even not loving the main characters I still found myself engaged and curious to see where this was heading. Therefore this one is also getting two thumbs up from yours truly. Bring on the next duet...

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2017: Reviewed