Beyond the Ever Reach by Everly Frost

Beyond the Ever Reach (Mortality, #1)

by Everly Frost

What if everyone in the world was invincible… except you?

In an alternate version of today’s Earth, everyone is invincible. Since the beginning of time, people have been able to heal so fast that nobody can be hurt or killed. The normal lifespan ranges hundreds of years. Despite all that, Ava Holland is afraid of death.

When the unthinkable happens, Ava's only ally is the boy she should fear the most.

Michael Bradley is the strongest, fastest healer anyone’s ever seen. But Michael has secrets too.

Together, they run from a society that rejects them. Michael seeks redemption and Ava seeks safety, but when the truth is revealed, it’s up to Ava to save them both.

Beyond the Ever Reach is a full length, 75,000 word science-fantasy romance, the first in the Mortality series.

The Mortality series is clean young adult fiction, recommended reading age 12+ for some action violence.

Note: This is a new edition: previously published as Fear My Mortality.

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Chapter by Chapter for letting me take part in this blog tour. When I saw the blurb for this book I thought it sounded interesting so I had to be part of the tour.

Ava lives in a world where death and injury are a common occurrence. Everyone can regenerate if they die, lose a limb or become injured in any way. Everyone that is except Ava and her brother Josh. Ava and Josh can't regenerate like everyone else.

So much happens in just 312 pages. This book has you on edge the entire time. There are no breaks, no oh it's ok now. You know it's not ok you know that Ava still has her life to fight for. From the Hazards to the Bashers Ava ha got her work cut out just to keep breathing.

I don't want to give any of the story away but I enjoyed every single page of this book. It was a terrifying but thrilling experience and I hope there will be more books to come in this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 April, 2016: Reviewed