Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

I’m not entirely sure what I expected from this issue if I’m being entirely honest. I just knew that it had Nightcrawler as the main character, whom I adore. And that one of my favorite authors (Seanan McGuire) was writing it. That’s all I needed to hear in order to know that I would be reading it.
While I am still a bit conflicted about the Age of X-Man series, on the whole, I do think that this was one of the better-written perspectives. In a way, it’s actually kind of awesome to see Nightcrawler really getting his chance to shine. Okay, that may be my bias showing through, but I’m okay with that.
Like a lot of the other series, this one appears to be a dream world; a world that is ideal for X-Men. Unlike a lot of the other series, Nightcrawler’s seems to be taking a slightly different direction. It seems that in a perfect world, Nightcrawler feels a bit freer to pursue other career avenues. It’s different, and I love it.
I have no clue where his plot is going to go in the long run, but I can only imagine that something will eventually happen to hint at the truth of the situation. I can’t wait to see his reaction when that happens.

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  • 20 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 20 February, 2019: Reviewed