Play Me by Katie McCoy

Play Me (Players, #2)

by Katie McCoy

1 Chef (equal parts sexy and carefree)
1 Pianist (equal parts uptight and endearing)
1/8 inch of drywall between their apartments
2 opinions on everything
Combine all ingredients, mix vigorously, and be prepared for an explosion of heat.

Pianist Ella Thomas is training for the competition of her life. Finally in an apartment of her own, she can practice from dawn till dusk. But she didn't bet on the sexy and frustrating neighbor keeping her up all night - even if he does cook like a maestro and kiss like it’s his job.

Jake Matson is living his dream as Head Chef at one of the most popular restaurants in San Francisco. He's easy going, flirtatious and not looking for love. He didn't expect to be completely distracted by the girl next door, whose buttoned-up appearance hides the seductive firecracker underneath.

What happens when opposites attract? As their tension fires up, can they create a new kind of music together or will everything boil over? Find out in the hot and hilarious romance from Katie McCoy!

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars

This was a super sweet read!

I loved Jake, he was a sweet and sexy chef covered in tats...yummy! I was worried at first that I wouldn't like Ella, for a short bit at the beginning she came across a bit prissy and cold, but that changed quickly and I ended up liking her.

The plot flowed nicely and there were some laugh out loud moments (the veggie pun discussion was HILARIOUS) I am not sure I would go so far as to say this was a "slow burn" but you don't get any sexy times until slightly over halfway through the book. It's very low angst, with only one incident near the end that wraps up fairly quickly, and yes, I shed a tear or two! *lol* The secondary characters where interesting, and amusing at times. I am hoping that Dakota will get her own book sometime soon!

My only negative with this book was I really wanted an epilogue. I wanted to see them married with babies and where they were at in their careers. It felt like it ended rather abruptly after the I Love You's were said Like I said though, maybe Dakota is going to get a book and we will see more of this couple in that book?? Fingers crossed in any case!

Overall I really enjoyed this one, it's sweet, it's low angst, no OW drama...perfect!

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  • Started reading
  • 28 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 January, 2016: Reviewed