Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

*I received an advanced copy from the author in exchange for an honest review

This book, much like its predecessors, is a fast-paced and gripping story. We catch up with Cassidy and Chris, who are really genuinely likable characters. The thing that makes Cassie so relatable is that when she is in the middle of some scary and potentially life-ending situations, she is both brave and terrified. In a lot of books in this genre, the female protagonist is brave, but doesn't show those signs of fear, of naivete, of vulnerability. In this case, you can completely sympathize with Cassie's plight because the emotions she is feeling seem completely real.

The plot is quite intriguing as well, and definitely kept me wondering what was going to happen next. It also left me wanting the story to unfold more in the next book.

The only slight problems I had with the book was that some of the inner dialogue that Cassidy was having seemed a little out of place at times, more in the very beginning of the book. I found this not to be the case through the whole book, which was good. The only other minor issue I had was that I didn't feel as compelled by some of the more emotional moments as I expected to, especially with some of the more minor characters.

This book also introduced us to a few new characters which I found to be really great additions to the story, especially Manny and Vera. Manny because he provides a lot of lighter moments and is overall enjoyable, and Vera because I am excited to learn more about what her story is.

I would absolutely recommend this book, and will definitely be eagerly anticipating the next in the series!

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  • 18 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 January, 2014: Reviewed