Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

4 of 5 stars

My Thoughts:
Annelisa Fielding our heroine is impulsive and independent. I sympathized with her character very much with the whole marriage arrangement to a much older man. I liked how she took charge and did something to rectify her marriage arrangement. Not the smartest plan, I admit, and pretty forward for a virginal miss but Annelisa is definitely a woman ahead of the times. She has spunk and plenty of it.

Now Nikolai Shetkolov our hero is one sexy Russian diplomat. When he realizes that he unknowingly compromised Annelisa, he sets out to marry her. Since Annelisa refuses to accept his proposal he blackmails her into sleeping with him in exchange for his silence. Now in real life I would have kneed Nikolai where it counts but it worked for me in this storyline. He wanted to buy more time to convince Annelisa they belong together since she is set in her ways.

Once these two get together without any subterfuge the chemistry was sizzling. I loved watching these two come together. I wish the book was longer so we could have had more time to really get to know them as a couple. With the length being a novella, the author was still able put as much detail as possible for me to believe that these two will ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.

I really liked these two and I liked the concept. I enjoyed this sexy Victorian romp and will definitely check out more of Gabrielle's book.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2011: Reviewed