Reviewed by leelu92 on

5 of 5 stars


Have you ever had your eyes roll back up in your head while reading a book? I have. Brent. Hayden.

Deep breath. Wow. Hayden and Brent are hot like FIYAH! Holy shit, y’all. I think Brent may give Derek a run for his money in the dirty talkin’ department. FOR REAL. It’s no secret that Tessa Bailey is one of my favorite authors and she is for a reason, for several actually. One reason is I know what to expect as far as quality is concerned, I know it will be excellent. Another reason (or two)… I’m a complete sucker for dirty talk and I love the funny, smartass snark.

Brent and Hayden are totally in a… “I hate you but I might need to screw your brains out to get you out of my system relationship”. These two were so frick fracking hot from the get go. They way they snipe back and forth at each other is hilarious and I really wanted them to strip each other’s clothes off and get it over with. Although, it’s never really that easy, is it?

For the rest of my review: Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 7 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2013: Reviewed