Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Just when I thought the Royal Reflections series couldn’t get more intense, Ravishing Reign came along and dispelled that doubt. In this the third book in the series, Romig kept her readers guessing and left them hungry for more of this world. The story picks up from where Relentless Reign ended and readers find themselves in a tension filled moment wondering at the outcome. The plot thickens and with it comes more danger, suspense, deceit, greed and betrayals.

Oliver and Lucille face more changes in their lives, some of which brings joy, while others left them wondering who can they trust. It was a pleasure watching Lucille tapping into her inner strength and becoming the princess that Molave deserved and needed. The story takes readers deeper into the workings of the royal family and more secrets come to light.

Like the previous installment, Ravishing Reign came with its own set of surprises and intense moments designed to keep readers turning the pages. However, there were moments where the pacing felt off. Despite this, I enjoyed how it all unfolded even though it left me with more questions.

Romig continues to surprise her readers with twists and turns and shocking revelations while leaving them waiting for the next book in the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 April, 2023: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2023: Reviewed