Indelible Tracings by Patricia Shelley Bushman

Indelible Tracings

by Patricia Shelley Bushman

On Feb. 15, 1961, the entire 1961 U.S. World Figure Skating Team, including skaters, coaches, officials, and family members, perished when their plan crashed near the Zaventem Airport in Brussels. Bushman describes how this pivotal moment in skating history drew from the past and heavily influenced the future.

Reviewed by sg_halifax on

5 of 5 stars

The definitive book on one of the biggest tragedies the figure skating world has faced. The research and detail this book goes into is incredible. Not only a chronicle of the tragedy of the crash of Sabena Flight 548, but a window into American figure skating in the 1950's and 1960's.

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  • 16 November, 2022: Reviewed