Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Pandemonium (Delirium Trilogy, #2)

by Lauren Oliver

Love, the deadliest of all deadly things.
It kills you when you have it.
And when you don't.

I'm pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

Pandemonium is a poignant, explosive, recklessly romantic and utterly heartbreaking novel. Like Delirium, the first in the compelling trilogy, it will take you to the very edge. That's all...

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Reviewed by Artemis on

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Reviewed