Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox

Accidental Demon Slayer (Biker Witches Novel, #1)

by Angie Fox

A New York Times bestselling, breakout novel

My name is Lizzie Brown, and demon slayer wasn't my first career choice. It didn't even crack the list. I had a good thing going as a preschool teacher until my long-lost Granny blew into my life riding a Harley and raving about a demon on my toilet.

Why did she have to be right?

He was from the seventh layer of hell, and I killed his ass faster than you can say flush. Now Grandma insists I'm a demon slayer, destined to ride with her geriatric gang of biker witches.

Do I even own a leather jacket?

Crazier still, this new job comes with my own personal protector: Dimitri Kallinikos, a devastatingly hot, Greek shape-shifting griffin with beautiful eyes and a not-so-secret plan to seduce me.

I could get on board with that.

But I can't get too involved because Dimitri needs me to take care of some hellish personal business for him, and I'm not about to let a guy I barely know take me anywhere near the underworld. At least not on the first date. But there's a bigger danger brewing than either of us can imagine-and if I can't stop the rise of Hell on Earth, no one can.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

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Before reading this book, I read the reviews. Some of them were on the positive side, but there was a lot that was on the negative side. And so with that, I was a little hesitant on reading this book. But I did, and yes there was some parts that I groaned and was like omg this character is going to be yuck, and needs to grow some figurative balls. Talking about the main character Lizzie. Who is very self preserved and very uptight, she said words like H-E- double hockey sticks. Of course, I rolled my eyes on this, because not even the prissiest person talks like this.

However, even with the cutsie wootsie talk, which gets less annoying the longer your read. I got pretty hooked into this story. Overall, the book was really good. And to hear that it started one night on an envelope while taking care of a fussy infant. Just goes to show that inspiration can strike at anytime.

I definitely will be continuing this series, because not only has Lizzie grown on me, Dimitri entices me, and the red skulls they are a hoot.... also Pirate the dog... can forget that.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2019: Reviewed