Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

**I was lucky enough to win a copy of this book from the author**
This is the story of two adrenaline junkies. Cam gets his rush via extreme sports - snowboarding, bungee jumping, base jumping. Inga gets her rush in the form of her addiction to her Ex - Bo. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Yes, Inga's unhealthy relationship with her ex-boyfriend annoyed me at first, but the fact that she was so aware of how negative it was and how she evolved through the book, made me accept it. Once I was able to see past that, I was able to appreciate Inga -- a fierce and loyal friend, who was super funny, a little odd, but very lovable. Cam -- loved him from the get go. I did become slightly disappointed with him, but was able to forgive his transgression. This book had a great balance of love, lust, joy, fear, woe, friendship, drama and comedy. AND, I found myself interesting in several of the supporting characters and will definitely check out Leon and Arriane's story.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 April, 2015: Reviewed