Geekerella by Ashley Poston

Geekerella (Once Upon a Con, #1)

by Ashley Poston

Geek girl Elle Wittimer lives and breathes Starfield, the classic sci-fi series she grew up watching with her late father. So when she sees a cosplay contest for a new Starfield movie, she has to enter. The prize? An invitation to the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball, and a meet-and-greet with the actor slated to play Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot. With savings from her gig at the Magic Pumpkin food truck (and her dad s old costume), Elle s determined to win unless her stepsisters get there first. Teen actor Darien Freeman used to live for cons before he was famous. Now they re nothing but autographs and awkward meet-and-greets. Playing Carmindor is all he s ever wanted, but Starfield fandom has written him off as just another dumb heartthrob. As ExcelsiCon draws near, Darien feels more and more like a fake until he meets a girl who shows him otherwise. But when she disappears at midnight, will he ever be able to find her again? Part romance, part love letter to nerd culture, and all totally adorbs, Geekerella is a fairy tale for anyone who believes in the magic of fandom.

Reviewed by Hillary on

5 of 5 stars

I was on the Audible Romance Package exploring when this caught my eye. It sounded like something that I would like. I mean a  geeky fairytale retelling of Cinderella? Count me in!



What I liked

I loved how it incorporated geeky stuff and fandoms into the story.  I have to admit that after the disappointment that was Internet Famous that I was relieved that Gekerella pulled the whole nerd culture thing flawlessly. I have to be honest I also really liked the cover.  It makes the story vibe too. It is just the right amount of issues every teen faces and especially nerdy teens and fluff. I have to admit that I was getting burned out on the self-help and serious non-fiction. And I also didn't want something that taxed my brain to read it like literary fiction. I wanted a fun somewhat fluffy read, and that is what I got.

The romance in this was fun to read about. I was waiting until they figured out that the "perfect" person they were texting was each other. I kept waiting for them to find out. And they did sorta. I really hope there is a book two coming soon cause I could not get enough of this world.

The whole time I thought that Starfield was a play on Star Trek, but I never found out if it was or not. And lest you think this is just some fanfiction sorta thing like Shades of Grey to be wrong. This book is very well written unlike some fanfiction out there. That was my one fear going into this book is that it would be all cheesy and over the top, but it wasn't. It was more like a love letter to all the geeks out there who don't fit in anywhere else.

 What I did not like

I loved everything about this book! This book is a contender for a top ten book in December.


If you even slightly bit of a geek you will want to read this book.  This is a fun, quick read. I LOVED the narrator on the audiobook. I thought it was well done a truly brought the characters to life. I would recommend you go with the audio on this one!




Buy Borrow or skip





 This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land

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  • Started reading
  • 9 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2018: Reviewed