Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

2 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

Iris' Thoughts

Trouble is coming and everyone better watch out and take cover.

When the men of Trouble get word that Heather, the sister of one of the founding fathers, is in danger, it’s all hands on deck and the boys of Trouble are off on a rescue mission to find Heather and bring her home. Peril finds them at every turn when it turns out that Heather has gotten herself mixed up with a cult like family very much like a cross between the Devil’s Rejects and a very well known movie character with a well like pit demanding people put the lotion on.

I’m all for hot men coming to the rescue. If two or more of those men are interested in a ménage relationship with the damsel in distress? Well hell, all the better. The more the merrier. However, there are so many things that went wrong in the telling of this story that I’m getting a headache just thinking of them. Without giving too much away, I like to suspend disbelief when I read as much as the next gal, but to think that instead of wanting to get the hell out of dodge, she insist on taking a shower in the very home where she had been kept prisoner? That leads me to believe that maybe her time in that well made her a bit touched in the head. We’re not even going into how normal it was for her to get involved with the occult just out of curiosity that none of them were surprised that was why she was in trouble. But let’s leave the poor simple woman a lone for a bit and move on to the men. They love her. They want to be with her even to the point where they will enter into a ménage relationship if it means they get to be with her. Yet they can’t wait until a doctor has checked her? They have no clue what ordeal she’s put herself in, or if she’s been physically as well as mentally brutalized. Apparently that wasn’t important. Hell, I would have even accepted if they had waited until they all got back to Trouble. No, these oh so concerned men decided it was a great idea to do it with the sheriff in the other room shortly after her rescue.

So if I did not enjoy it so much, with the rating it’s getting form me? It’s like a train wreck. I literally have to read more of this series to see if the rest of them are as badly written. My suggestion would be read at your own risk.


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  • 26 April, 2015: Reviewed