Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Wanting a change of scenery and dream about living in another country? This book is a useful tool and source of practical information especially if the US and India are on your radar.

I picked up this book purely because I'm a foreign implant in the country where I now live. The author's experiences differ to mine due to our geographical locations, however, wherever you are, there will always be common occurring matters to address, therefore her insightful knowledge should be of interest for anyone thinking of upping sticks and flitting overseas either temporarily or permanently. 

'If I knew then what I know now' resonates with me when I look back on the time I move across the sea to a new life and a whole new culture to get used to. Gaining as much information as possible about your chosen place to reside, of course, makes sense. Yet, there will still be issues cropping up which you are unprepared for even if you're the most researched and informed person. Helpfully, this book covers lots of practical advice matched to likely scenarios. They may not be specific to where you are heading, but highlights situations you may encounter anywhere and with advice on how to tackle them. 

More than a fact book, Bloom Where You're Planted is full of the author's own anecdotes and wisdom giving a first-hand account of how she and her loved ones navigated there way through red-tape and hiccups along their ex-pat journey. 

Overall, not everyone's journey to a new life will be the same, but there will always be a common set of 'need to know' advice wherever you land and this book is concise and thorough and should cover any incident you encounter.

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  • 20 May, 2019: Reviewed