Star Crossed by Jennifer Echols

Star Crossed

by Jennifer Echols

He said . . . She said.

Publicist Wendy Mann has always competed hotly with her rival Daniel Blackstone, but this time they're headed for a collision. Wendy's job is on the line if she doesn't save the image of a spoiled young starlet who's posting provocative pictures of herself all over the Internet in a snarky attempt at revenge on her former boyfriend. Daniel is representing the ex, a onetime teen heartthrob who never grew up. With the feuding Hollywood pair scheduled to appear on the same Las Vegas awards show, Daniel and Wendy are determined to do whatever it takes to defend their own clients.

Unfortunately, the chemistry between Wendy and Daniel is even more explosive than that of their Hollywood stars. L-O-V-E was always a four-letter word for these two ultra-competitors; they never counted on the scorching heat that erupts between them. But Wendy's high-gloss exterior hides a dark past-one that's lurking behind the bright Vegas lights. Their careers are on the line, and so is Wendy's life. . . .

Reviewed by Rowena on

3 of 5 stars

This book was okay. It was a fast read that I didn't have to dig too deep to follow and it was good for one of those light reads in between deep, dark reads. Jennifer Echols is an author that is either hit or miss with me and this one actually feel somewhere in the middle for me.

Wendy as a character/heroine isn't one of Echols more memorable characters but she also isn't one of the Echols that absolutely drove me nuts. Again, she was somewhere in between. There have been main characters who got on my hot damn nerves and while Wendy certainly got on my nerves a whole lot during this book, she didn't come close to making me want to choke her out the way that some other Echols characters have in the past.

Overall, this was a good read but not really a read that I'll run to over and over again.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2013: Reviewed