How to Live an Undead Lie by Hailey Edwards

How to Live an Undead Lie (Beginner's Guide to Necromancy, #5)

by Hailey Edwards

When a fledgling vampire arrives at Woolworth House searching for his maker, Grier is forced to relive her time in Atramentous. Most of those years are as dark and empty in her memory as she was in her cell. She can’t remember her progeny, or the night she resuscitated him, but she can protect him from the Society. As long as she’s willing to barter with her grandfather to do it.

But Lacroix has plans of his own. He envisions the city—her city—under his rule, and Grier under his thumb. Now all he needs is the right leverage to force her cooperation, and he has just the person in mind. Grier is ready to trade her freedom until a grim truth is revealed that splits her heart in two. Yet another person she loves has betrayed her, and Grier is left agonizing over how much of their relationship was real and how much is a lie.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

In this installment things are hopping at the Woolworth House. Grier's nightmares continue and with each dream she remembers more about the night Maud died. When an unexpected visitor arrives, she will have to make plans to protect him. To do so, she will have to barter with her grandfather. Meanwhile, Odette is missing, a wolf is challenging her friend for dominance and Amelia is in trouble. Did I mention her grandfather is up to now good? What unfolds was a page-turner with plenty of twists and danger.

I love Grier. She is strong, compassionate and level-headed. Sure she will kick your ass to protect those in her circle but she isn't afraid of sharing her plans and asking for backup. I find it all rather refreshing given the norm for this genre is the complete opposite. Yes, Kate and Mercy I am looking at you! I love the dynamics of Greir's friendships and the growing relationship with Linus. Before this story ends, she will be betrayed and will need this circle of friends.

Edwards does a wonderful job of building the world and peeling back the layers of her characters. The magical and supernatural world has a familiarity but Edwards brings some refreshing elements. I love books featuring necromancers and Grier has unique abilities we haven't even scratched the surface of. It is those elements that making her a desirable target.

All the new threads wrapped up nicely and I loved the romantic development. Overall arc threads saw twists leaving us with a cliffhanger. I am eager to see where Edwards takes us next. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2019: Reviewed