Kiss Me in Paris by Catherine Rider

Kiss Me in Paris

by Catherine Rider

Serena Fuentes won't waste one moment of her whirlwind trip to Paris. She has it all mapped out, right down to the photos she will take, and the last thing she wants is a change in plans.

Yet suddenly she's touring the city with Jean-Luc, a French friend of her sister's boyfriend. He has to take pictures of his own if he ever hopes to pass his photography class, and his project totally slows Serena down. Why can't he get with her program?

One minute they're bickering, the next minute they're bonding ... and soon they're exploring corners of Paris together that Serena never imagined. When it comes to love, sometimes it takes a different lens to see what's right in front of us.

A romantic adventure for anyone who sees the possibilities in a spontaneous tour of the City of Lights with a charming French stranger, and anyone who's ever wondered if true love is waiting on the other side of the ocean.

Catherine Rider's delightful follow-up to Kiss Me in New York will sweep you off your feet.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars

Rider took us on another whirlwind romance, this time, we visited The City of Light. We might have been in a different city, but we were still treated to all the charm of her previous book.

• Pro: We were in Paris! I thought Paris was a really beautiful city, and it's always nice taking a trip there via a book.

• Pro: Charlotte and Anthony made a few appearance. I didn't realize that Rider was going to connect this book to Kiss Me in New York, but I was so happy to get a little bit of an update on those two.

• Pro: I wasn't totally sold on Jean-Luc, but I did buy into him a lot more, when he let down his armor and we got to see HIM a little more.

• Pro: This romantic tour was not all it was cracked up to be. I really wanted Serena to accomplish what she set out for, but I also wanted her to find her own way. It was a pretty complicated personal journey for Serena, however, she learned a lot and worked through some of her issues, as did Jean Luc. I found I did care about the characters, and that's always important for me.

• Pro/Con: There were some fun scenes between Serena and Jean Luc, and some really sweet and tender ones too. I just wish there had been more, because I feel like we didn't get to spend enough time with just them. The other love interests added to the story and helped clarify some things about Serena and Jean-Luc's, but they also took time away from the central romance.

• Pro: The ending convinced me to give it the extra half star. It was fun and cute and all that, but the epilogue really delighted me. I always want to know more about where things are going, and Rider gave me that, AND I loved the direction she was pointing all the characters in too.

Overall: This was a very sweet, all-in-one-day romance, which was filled with Parisian hijinks, old friends, and quite a few feels.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 15 February, 2018: Reviewed