Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Ties That Blind by Chautona Havig

A great conclusion to a terrific trilogy!

Simon woke up unable to remember anything. Not even his name. And he is being questioned about the murder of his wife.

This final book in the Sight Unseen series by Chautona Havig did not disappoint. Filled with mystery, suspense, surprises, and humor, it was an exciting story to read. I’m so glad that it came out a little more quickly than the second book in the series. All my favorite characters were in this book, with some fun new ones added in. Yay!

While I liked Simon, I think my favorite character was David, Ella’s husband from None So Blind. His patience with Ella as she struggled with so many aspects of her character was remarkable. He truly showed the kind of love that Jesus tells husbands to show their wives.

One new character who had a cameo appearance was Benson, the nurse. I thought he was wonderful and really hope he gets his own story somewhere at some point in time. Chautona Havig, are you reading this?

Simon was very interesting. He had a quirky sense of humor evidenced by the name of his tutoring business “Simon’s Simple Tutoring”. How cute is that!! He had a tutoring session with a ditzy girl and his reaction was so funny!

Like David, he showed a deep and forgiving love for his wife. I loved that he got her flowers every Friday (a fact that he didn’t remember but was told about) and thought the letters he wrote to her were so beautiful.

The answer to the mystery of the amnesia Simon experienced was quite interesting. The things he learned about himself and how this happened were not expected. I was very satisfied with the ending and felt like the mysteries were explained quite well.

The books in this series should be read together. If you have not read the first two, I highly recommend that you pick them up along with this one.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I would like to thank Celebrate Lit for giving me a copy of this book. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 20 August, 2018: Reviewed