Reviewed by scarr on

3 of 5 stars

There was a lot I really enjoyed in this book: takes place mostly in Ireland which means a hot Irish dude with hot Irishisms galore. The "8 years ago" sections were some of my favorite, especially when Rory & Mal are getting to know one another. I'm a sucker for love-at-first-sight stories. . . coz who couldn't fall in love with a tall, dark and incredibly witty Irishman? The "falling for eachother" scenes made my heart flutter :)

The "present" sections were often way too frustrating for me:

there were way too many secrets Mal kept from Rory and way too much Mal not just asking Rory what the heck changed her mind when she returned to the USA. Also, ***TRIGGER WARNING*** the aftermath of Mal's rape by one of the characters was very disappointing. I think it could have been handled in a much more sensitive way. This traumatic event set so many things in motion that would devestate Mal and change his life forever.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2020: Reviewed