The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova

The Alchemists of Loom (Loom Saga, #1)

by Elise Kova

Her vengeance. His vision.

Ari lost everything she once loved when the Five Guilds’ resistance fell to the Dragon King. Now, she uses her unparalleled gift for clockwork machinery in tandem with notoriously unscrupulous morals to contribute to a thriving underground organ market. There isn’t a place on Loom that is secure from the engineer-turned-thief, and her magical talents are sold to the highest bidder as long as the job defies their Dragon oppressors.

Cvareh would do anything to see his sister usurp the Dragon King and sit on the throne. His family’s house has endured the shame of...

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Reviewed by anastasia on

4 of 5 stars

Full Review on my blog!

This is my first foray into Kova’s writing and the first thing I will say is that I was not expecting the world of Loom to be SO big. The Alchemists of Loom has everything you'd ever want out of a fantasy adventure story. I was completely invested from beginning to end; what a wonderful, kickass first book in this series!

The book begins with Ari, a Chimera, known as the Write Wratih, she is a thief off on a job that no one should be able to do but she can with ease. This job brings her into contact with Cvareh, a Dragon and an enemy for being so. But they strike a deal and it starts a chain of events that will have you flying through this book.  Honestly, the first few chapters were a little confusing but you are slowly wrapped into it as you learn about where these characters are and the history that has morphed their personalities.

The world building was imaginative, detailed and impressive. I was quickly drawn into Ari, Florence & Cvareh’s quest and their worlds. It was fast paced with filled with mystery and unexpected twists, great characters and plenty of action and suspense.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 November, 2019: Finished reading
  • 22 November, 2019: Reviewed