Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars. I rarely give 5 stars to books but this book deserves it. It is well-written, suspenseful, and simply amazing. I love every character in this book, except for the traitor of course, who I definitely didn't expect.

It ends in a cliffhanger that has you on edge! I loved that! I hate cliffhangers but this book really makes me want more and more from this series.

I would recommend this book to any reader that loves any fantasy related. Even if you don't like wizards/kingdoms/battles, you HAVE to read this book. I am not one to like books that have battle scenes or kingdom related stuff. This book changed my mind entirely.

It is a book for all readers, all ages. It is respectful and so understanding that little kids can read it, but it is also so captivating enough to have young adults and adults wanting more.
Official review:
I was skeptical about reading this book. I’m not a major fan of wizard books or books where a part of the setting is a kingdom. I am so glad I gave this book a chance. If you aren’t drawn to wizards, powers, kingdoms, battles…you should give this book a try because it is PHENOMENAL. It is such an intriguing and exhilarating read. You don’t want to miss reading this book.

When I read the last sentence of the description (above), I thought it was cliche. Just another story where it says the romantic couple has to say good bye. Let me tell you that you are in for a huge surprise, something that you couldn’t even imagine nor expect. My mouth dropped open when I realized it really wasn’t cliche. I was about to throw the book at the wall.

I love how the author kept things going at a very good pace. There were times where I wouldn’t know what to expect. When you think one thing is going to happen, it does a 180 on you and you are left hanging…seriously. And I loved that about this book. It kept me wanting to read more and more.

Every reader is so used to how other authors write every little thing down to a T, and sometimes, those things could have been skipped, which is what this author did. I applaud her for it because, while there is a scene that is important, the reader can already imagine what happens, and the author cuts to the chase and writes more about things that we don’t expect, things that are way more important.

This book is told in a third persons point of view. I loved the different point of views in the book because I could learn about what was going on in different character’s life, their thoughts, everything. I love the Rek and Kailee’s relationship because, even though they are not mortals, their relationship is one that everybody can identify with.

The characters are very well described, the plot is very well written, the climax mind blows you away and don’t even get me started on the ending. The ending blows you away completely. This book has the biggest cliffhanger I have ever read in my life and I can NOT wait for the second book, which will come out on June.

Review was first published in 2014 in Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2014: Reviewed