One Last Summer by Victoria Connelly

One Last Summer

by Victoria Connelly

They have the whole summer ahead of them. Is it enough to rekindle the friendship they once shared?

Harriet Greenleaf dreams of spending the summer in a beautiful ancient priory on the Somerset coast with her two best friends—but her dream is bittersweet. On the one hand, it’s a chance to reconnect three lives that have drifted apart; on the other, she has a devastating secret to share that will change everything between them forever.

First to arrive is Audrey—the workaholic who’s heading for a heart attack unless she slows down and makes time for herself. Then Lisa, the happy-go-lucky flirt who’s always struggled to commit to anyone—or anything. Ever the optimist, can Harriet remind them of the joy in their lives and the importance of celebrating good friendship before it’s gone?

Through the highs and lows of a long, glorious summer, these three women will rediscover what it means to be there for each other—before they face the hardest of goodbyes.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Perfect Summer. Given the premise of this book, one would expect a "perfect summer" story - and to a point, that is what you find here. But this "perfect summer" also has quite a bit of drama as our central character fights with herself over how much to share of her situation and when. There is quite a bit of laughter and even some hijinx. There is an epic "last supper". But overall, there aren't the tears that maybe one would expect with a story with this premise. Maybe it is the male in me, but I've rarely had trouble connecting with female centric stories before, so I doubt it. Overall a solid tale, one that deserves to be read and explored. Looking forward to the next book from this author. :)

Note: I reaped this fresh.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2019: Reviewed