Wild Girl: How to Have Incredible Outdoor Adventures by Helen Skelton

Wild Girl: How to Have Incredible Outdoor Adventures

by Helen Skelton

Calling wild girls everywhere! Helen Skelton – adventurer, world-record breaker and TV presenter – brings you her inspirational guide to getting outdoors and having incredible adventures.

From kayaking the length of the Amazon to cycling to the South Pole and running an ultra-marathon across the Namib desert, the Blue Peter and Countryfile presenter Helen Skelton has taken on record-breaking feats of endurance and shown that adventures definitely are for girls.

Helen shares six stories of her most daring adventures across some of the world's most extreme wildernesses, explaining how she embraced her fears and found the positives in the toughest situations. Alongside her inspirational tales are ideas for where readers can find their own wild adventures closer to home and accounts of the real-life wild girls who inspire her.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Wild Girl: How to Have Incredible Outdoor Adventures is an exuberant illustrated guide particularly aimed at young girls (circa teen/tween aged) for finding adventure written by TV presenter personality Helen Skelton. Originally published in the UK in 2019, this North American edition is due out 6th Oct 2020 from Candlewick Press. It's 144 pages and will be available in hardcover format (other editions available in other formats).

I enjoyed this encouraging and adventurous guide which gives young people a good and healthy role model. There is an emphasis on safety, fun, and of course adventure wherever one finds oneself - desert, forest, mountains, or city. The book contains many suggestions for having adventures, learning new skills, and trying new things. The suggestions are as varied as trying ziplining or trying new foods and new cultures. Interspersed with the encouraging mini-adventures for readers are the photos and descriptions Ms. Skelton herself experienced during her years as co-presenter on Blue Peter. which included an ultra-marathon in the desert, bicycling to the south pole, and kayaking down the Amazon.

Each of her adventures includes a description of the feat, sidebars with notes and tidbits of challenges, trivia, and interesting asides about how it felt and what she experienced. The book is graphically very appealing with an exuberant and colorful layout and lots of photos. While her suggestions for readers' own adventures aren't quite as daunting as solo kayaking 2000 miles on the Amazon, they're challenging enough. Each of them includes a description, necessary gear, training suggestions, and safety tips.

I liked very much that the book also includes a short list of other girls and women who have exceeded all expectations and rules and succeeded in their chosen sports - free running, boxing, skateboarding, wheelchair motocross, and more. Impressive. This would be a superlative gift or classroom library selection for young people (especially girls).

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2020: Reviewed