100 Bullets Vol 01 by Brian Azzarello

100 Bullets Vol 01

by Brian Azzarello

Written by Brian Azzarello; Art by Eduardo Risso, and Dave Johnson In this dark and intriguing trade paperback, the mysterious Agent Graves approaches ordinary citizens and gives them an opportunity to exact revenge on a person that has wronged them. Offering his clients an attaché case containing proof of the deed and a gun, he guarantees his "clients" full immunity for all of their actions, including murder. In these opening chapters, Dizzy Cordova, a Latina gangbanger who has just finished a prison sentence, is given the chance to avenge her family's murders, and a downtrodden bartender receives the opportunity to exact revenge against the woman that ruined his life.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

Volume 1 in this Eisner award winning series seems like a good intro to a larger story - just a small taste to intrigue you. The premise is simple: a mysterious Agent Graves offers a suitcase to people who have been wronged. Inside this suitcase is a gun, 100 untraceable bullets, and information about whoever wronged the target. The three stories in this volume show three targets and their different reactions. It's definitely all questions and no answers at this point, and I'm looking forward to reading more. My only complaint at this point is that so far, even though there is proof about the wrongdoer in the suitcase, none of the targets seem to look at it. Why mention it if the narrative isn't going to use it?

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2010: Reviewed