The Corpse in the Gazebo by Debra Sennefelder

The Corpse in the Gazebo (Food Blogger Mystery, #5)

by Debra Sennefelder

Food blogging is turning Hope Early into a household name. But the dead body down the block makes her a #1 suspect...
It seems everyone loves Hope’s blog these days, and she’s busier than ever volunteering to help other women create their own paths to success. So she’s shocked when a neighbor petitions to run Hope right out of her small Connecticut town! Set in her ways, apparently Birdie Donovan doesn’t like the chaos Hope’s sleuthing creates, the police activity and crime scenes, and it’s happening way too often lately. Eager to make amends, Hope bakes Birdie a batch of her best muffins. The delicious treats might have smoothed things over—until Hope discovers Birdie dead in her gazebo the very next day...
Now instead of worrying about holding on to her beloved home, Hope is trying to stay out of jail. Because suddenly she’s the lead suspect in the case. Not even her boyfriend, Police Chief Ethan Cahill, is promising he can clear her name, much less discuss the investigation with her. It’s up to Hope to get to bake new ground on the case before the lifestyle brand she’s created—and her whole life—crumbles...

Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Corpse in the Gazebo by Debra Sennefelder is such a great book that I couldn't figure out whodunit until the MC figured it out.

Will Hope figure out who killed Birdie before she's arrested?

Hope Early

Hope is still a great character that doesn't set out to find all of these dead bodies. She's juggling so much especially with remembering her schedule and where she is supposed to be at a certain time. Hope finally realizes a lot in this book about not only her blog but about what she wants in her life. She is an amazing person and I wouldn't mind being friends with her. Oh, and I would have access to all those free foods. Not only that but she does seem like a kind, smart and good-humored person; someone I look up to with her blog.

The Victim

The victim this time is Birdie Donovan. We learn a lot about Birdie and why she is the way she is. I felt bad for Birdie once everything came to light she didn't deserve how she died. Birdie's death is also pretty bad as well. Solving this mystery was a lot harder for Hope as the more she dug into Birdie's past the more suspects she was turning up which isn't helpful for her self-preservation. Not only that but the more she realized that something caused Birdie to be this way and it happened in her past. Birdie wasn't well-liked by a lot of people. Did she deserve to die? Probably but not in the way that she did.

Five Stars

The Corpse in the Gazebo by Debra Sennefelder kept me on my toes as I bounced from suspect to suspect with Hope, trying to solve this mystery. Ms. Sennefelder wrote a good mystery with this one as I thought I knew whodunit and I fell for a red herring. I did it twice as well. Then everything clicked into place like it was doing for Hope. My rating for The Corpse in the Gazebo by Debra Sennefelder is five stars and I recommend it to anyone that wants a good mystery.

Don't forget to check out the recipes in the back: Double Chocolate Chip Cookies, Easy Stovetop Mac and Cheese, Gingerbread Chocolate Chip Cookies, Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes, and Chocolate Chip Scones.

Other Books in the Series


Prize: 1. (1) Grand Prize - Prize Package Including a Signed Copy of The Corpse in the Gazebo
2. (2) Signed Copy - The Corpse in the Gazebo (U.S. Only)

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Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

Victim/Toe Tag: Birdie Donovan (D)

Beachcomber Weapons: poisoned food

Beachcomber Crime Scene: gazebo

Detectives: Hope Early (Y)

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 24 September, 2021: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2021: Reviewed