The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

The Truth About Forever

by Sarah Dessen

The Truth About Forever is a captivating young adult novel about moving on from New York Times Number One bestseller Sarah Dessen, author of What Happened to Goodbye and Lock and Key, Sarah Dessen.

On the outside, Macy Queen is cool and calm. On the inside, she's breaking.

Silently struggling with her dad's death, and spending the summer apart from her oh-so-perfect boyfriend, Macy is smiling her way through - she's 'fine'. It's only when she meets a group of new friends - and artistic, sexy Wes catches her eye - that she realizes she can wear her heart on her...

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Reviewed by mary on

4 of 5 stars

This has to be my favorite Dessen book. It is the one Dessen book I recommend everyone read when they want a light fluffy read for the summer.

As for Wes, he's my favorite Dessen guy. He's understanding, cute, funny, and by no means perfect. He makes mistakes, but that's what makes his realistic and that's why I like him! I loved their relationship; it felt extremely real and sweet. It was interesting to watch how Wes broke down Macy's walls and readers will love him for that.

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  • 10 July, 2012: Reviewed